Sport Business Consulting

Our Services

At Helix Management Group, we utilise our experience and expertise to raise your organisational capability and increase your capacity. We offer Sport Business Consulting to State and National Sporting Organizations, Professional Sporting Clubs and Sports-minded Business’ through the provision of Strategic Planning and Project Management Services that can help you maximize your potential.We offer Sport Business Consulting to State and National Sporting Organisations, Professional Sporting Clubs and Sports-minded Business’ through the provision of Strategic Planning and Project Management Services that can help you maximise your potential

Our Methodology

With extensive experience in managing projects in the Australian sports industry, our team has elite capability. The Helix
Management Group Strategic Planning and Project Management Methodology, is founded on three key philosophies…


Our experience tells us that every organisation has a unique structure, and they are all at a different place in their evolution. We need to understand our clients and their stakeholders inside out, in order to provide the best solution possible. By immersing ourselves into the world of our clients

Person First

We put the person, people or entity that we are designing an approach for, smack bang in the middle of the solution we are solving for. This begins in our project planning and extends through our consultation and engagement. So often people lose sight of the goal when they get distracted


We aim to engage in trustful relationships by being transparent in our project management. This includes agreeing to milestones and providing timely, periodic reporting to our Project Sponsor. During any stage of our Project Management lifecycle, our Sponsors and Principal Partners

Organisational Governance

High Performance and Pathways

Community and Fan Engagement

Media, Digital and Commercial